Cities: Skylines Mods

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Cities: Skylines mods

The poly count of each object are less than 16’500 triangles.
The texture resolution of all 3d objects are 1024×1024 px, for landmark buildings 2048×2048 px.
(each mod contains also lod texture and lod mesh)

NEW : U.S. Capitol


U.S. Capitol

German Highway decorations

Havel Residences (modular residence houses)

Train station one double (4 track)

Train station one (2 track)

Arecibo Observatory (GL)

Atlantis in the mountains

(UPDATE-1) The White House

(UPDATE-1) Elbe Residence (halved)

(UPDATE-1) Elbe Residence (8×4 tiles)

(UPDATE-1) Berlin TV tower

(UPDATE-1) Berlin TV tower (gray sphere

(UPDATE-1) Rotes Rathaus

Ruler 100 m, 500 m, 1000 m

Previous mod versions

If you need a previous released mod version.
Copy and paste the previous mod into the Cities Skylines assets folder.
(\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Assets

Arecibo Observatory GL, Berlin TV Tower, Berlin TV Tower – gray sphere, Elbeblock, Elbeblock halved, Rotes Rathaus, The White house


Support me via PayPal (click on image for enter)

If you like to help my Modding you can donate via paypal here.

All donations will be greatly appreciated.


or Patreon



Thank you very much
Tobias Ralew also known as Tobse

Cities: Skylines-Description

Cities: Skylines is a single player open-ended city-building simulation.  Designed the Finnish game developer Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive.
Cities: Skylines (…) Players engage in urban planning by controlling zoning, road placement, taxation, public services, and public transportation of an area, working to maintain the city’s budget, population health, happiness, and employment, air, water, and noise pollution, traffic flow, and other factors. Source from

What is a Mod?

A Mod is a modification file for the game. A Mod file can change the look of the game or can upgrade your game with new buildings or vehicles and a Mod can also modify the gameplay.

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